
Keep Your Workspace Organized

Keep Your Workspace Organized

May 9, 2023

Keeping any shared space with your team organized can be a challenge. Names for projects change, re-orgs happen and now the team names you were using no longer make sense, or people start breaking away from an established naming convention. In this release, we've added a small but impactful change to help you keep your workspace organized. When renaming a stream in your workspace settings, if another stream with that same name exists, we'll give you the ability to combine the two—quickly moving all posts into the same stream.


  • Added the ability to play videos inline when using Current on your phone

  • Added a new section to the home feed that shows you active people or streams you might want to follow


  • Fixed an issue where switching workspaces from the Figma plugin would cause you to have to re-connect your Figma account

  • Fixed an issue where sometimes when posting multiple files at once, the first file would be duplicated instead of seeing separate file uploads

  • Fixed an issue where certain url types couldn't be posted to Current (shoutout Daniel Rodas for bringing this to our attention!)

  • Fixed an issue in mobile browsers where the thumbnail for video posts wouldn't show up